Giulio cesare world of warships premium shop
Giulio cesare world of warships premium shop

giulio cesare world of warships premium shop

Those who know what to do with her will thrive, those who don't will find her to be no better or worse than any other battleship. It's a battleship that rewards good sailing, but reacts very poorly to shoddy tactics. And against higher tier opponents or carriers, that margin of error decreases dramatically. Yes, when properly angled and against equal or lower or equal tier opponents, she is basically Imperator Nikolai 2, but even then showing broadside can mean being summarily handed a swift trip back to port. I recall back in my brief dabble into ranked sprint when I dev-struck 3 Giulio Cesares in 3 battles while sailing Texas-they evidently overestimated their ship's abilities. Its guns are quite nice and it's fairly maneuverable and stealthy, but the weaknesses you stated are very much true-MM struggles, poor secondaries, etc. It's a potent ship no doubt, but a mistake while sailing it can and will be punished incredibly hard. Oh, and Saipans modestly overpowered planes will overwhelm your AA. When facing tier 7 it can struggle to bow pen angled Colorado’s and it’s secondaries are no match for Gneisenaus torpedos.

Giulio cesare world of warships premium shop